
Hi I am doing this months song blog early (ish) because I’m aware that I completely skipped over September but I had more surreal things on my mind and also so I don’t forgot to do this later because Halloween and half- term is soooooo close😊

Also, I forgot to mention in my last post that I went to my first therapy last Monday, I might make a post about it once I go a few more times but it was okay I suppose…

  1. I Hate by Passenger- Absolutely in love with this song and this particular Passengers album altogether, it is the album that includes Let Her Go which is pretty popular obviously so if you like the sound of that type then the whole album carries the same tone but this song is amazing and the things he says are both funny and sad.
  2. Charlemagne by Blossoms– Really like a lot of the Blossoms stuff but I cant listen to them over and over again in a short space of time because I can get bored of that type of music quite easily but this song is just great to just sit and listen to.
  3. The Hills by The Weeknd– If you dont know me well then you probably dont realise how much of a Weeknd fan I am, just I loveeee how creative and unique all their content is and it really got me through DofE.
  4. O You by Peace– NEW FAVOURITE PEACE SONG it used to be Float Forever and that still is one of my most favouritest songs ever but O You is just so happy and sad at the same time and idk it just flows so amazingly.
  5. Somewhere Only We Know by Keane– First of all, whenever I listen to this the scene from Lol with Lola and Kyle which is my favourite scene out of one of the best films and is the reason why I want to live in Chicago, aside from a large chunk of my family that live there. Urgh this song just reminds me of winter for no reason and I have always loved it.
  6. Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz– I just cant get over Gorillaz and this song is non stop playing in my playlist, I honestly think they are so talented and they are a nice change to listen to rather than bland indie same old shit sometimes.
  7. Bathed In Light by Gengahr– Either this or Lonely As A Shark has been featured on this blog but this song has been back on my spotify frequently this past month, I love the vocals on this specific song and I get the lyrics so much like ridiculously.
  8. Fallout by Catfish And The Bottlemen– Again like Passenger, the Catfish album has been so good to just put on when I am busy doing art coursework or revision and this has always been my fave of theirs and weirdly the bridge is my favourite part which is odd, I know that sounds weird, but honestly I hate that part of the song and I typically skip it!
  9. Yeah Yeah Yeah by New Politics– This is such a throwback to my 13/14 year old days and I just love it, sometimes I just need a loud song in my life.
  10. Otherside by Red Hot Chili Peppers– Of course most people here know my love for this band but I was never into this song before but its grew on me and I also never knew it was actually about suicide.




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